Isaiah 66:2bI have just finished studying Isaiah this past year with a Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) group. It was amazing! It's my sixth year with that group. I started with Genesis, then Romans, Matthew, the Life of Moses, John and then Isaiah this year. The study is quite intense, with a weekly lecture, daily lessons for individual study, discussions with the same group of 12-15 women each week before the lecture, and notes that provide background and some commentary on what we are reading. I have never felt as though I do justice to the studies regarding the time I commit to them, but I still glean so much--I'm especially blessed by how much of God's character shines through His Word. With our limited human understanding, much of the material is difficult to grasp, but it's amazing to me, that with the Holy Spirit's guidance, His Word does speak to me (and each of us) personally, individually.
"This is the one I esteem:
he who is humble and contrite
in spirit,
and trembles at my word."
One of the main things I come away with this year is an even deeper respect and awe for God's Word. It is rich with wisdom and revelation of God's character, especially in terms of His salvation and his judgment, neither of which can exist without the other and both of which are essential for His redemptive plan for mankind and the the heavens and earth. Along with that, is the truth that God is Sovereign over all; He created us and the heavens and the earth and He is fully in control of all that happens, whether to people, nations, the earth/nature, and every living thing. Another thing is a deep awareness of my own sin and dependence on and need for God's mercy and grace; my faith was strengthened by reading and reflecting on the many passages relating to Jesus, the Suffering Servant and King.
As I write on my blog, I am so aware of how limited my understanding is and wonder how I can even discuss (even with humility) the things of God here with a right conscience. My prayer is that anything I write will glorify God. One of the ways I believe God is looking out for me as I write is that often after I have written here, sometime during the next few days, the Lord will provide new insight for me about something I have written.
Two examples: In my "Bread" blog entry, I wrote that I desire to worship God in Spirit and in Truth. Yesterday, I listened to a podcast by RC Sproul ("Renewing Your Mind) where he expounded on that very scripture, explaining what it means to worship in Spirit and in Truth (essentially, with my heart and according to the Truth of God's Word). What a blessing!
In the next podcast I listened to, Sproul (who is a distinguished Bible teacher), confessed his own questioning about who he is to teach the Bible to others. I liked so much what he said at the end of his reflection on his sense of humility. He said, "In the end, I'm just a beggar showing other beggars where to get bread!"
Feeling so grateful today...God's blessings are abundant in my life..Praise Him!!
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